2016년 5월 8일 일요일

Australia Election 2 July 2016

Attached the letter from Malcolm

* His policy might not the best for Australian but it's clearly brighter direction to Australia.
- reasonable amount of educational and health spending with reference to saving plan of budget.

* Labor party direction is really no point for Australia future; Hugh amount of spending for education and health but no source of budget.  - get money from overseas and growing national debt
- 10 years some saving from different sectors : did they know their government term is only four years?
- it's ridiculous plan but I can understand why Australia has too much and huge amount of debt during the previous labour term
- they have no idea and control how to manage the national budget and the future of Australia.


Earlier today I announced a federal election for July 2. 

In just eight weeks’ time, our country will vote in a critical election where both Houses of the Parliament have been dissolved. 

With the stakes this high, we need your help to stop the Labor Party from hitting Australians with higher taxes and more debt that will stop the economy dead in its tracks.

Australians have an important decision to make. My team has a plan for a strong new economy that will create new, higher paying jobs for the 21st century.

In contrast, Labor has no plan for Australia except to increase taxes by $100 billion over ten years.

The opportunity for our country has never been greater. With your support, our plan will deliver a secure future for families and ensure political stability for Australia.


Malcolm Turnbull
Prime Minister



At the close of Budget week, the choice at this year’s election is very clear.

The Coalition has a plan for a strong new economy.

Whereas, Bill Shorten has no plan except to increase taxes on Australian families and businesses by more than $100 billion over ten years.

With an election imminent, we need your support to ensure that the Turnbull Government is returned and can deliver our long term economic plan for Australia.

Thank you for your support.


Tony Nutt
National Campaign Director
Liberal Party of Australia

PS - It is clear that Bill Shorten has no plan for Australia. In fact, he can’t even agree with himself. Please click here to watch and share our latest video with your friends and family on Facebook.

Authorised by Tony Nutt for the Liberal Party of Australia
Corner of Blackall and Macquarie Streets, Barton. ACT. 2604.

Copyright © Liberal Party of Australia

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